Diving Medicine - Discover and Experience

We strongly recommend a medical examination to determine your diving suitability, almost all diving schools demand this examination.
The diving suitability test comprises an examination regarding pressure stability of the middle ears and sinuses, measurement of lung capacity and coronary circulation system.
During diving dysfunctions such as problems of pressure compensation in the tympanum or even barotrauma can occur.
The typical diving accident, called the bends (aeroembolism), is divided into three different degrees of severity:
Through infiltration of bubbles into the skin, musculature, bones and joints (Type I) the so- called skin bends (itching skin generated by formation of gas) can cause pain.
Type II (infiltration of bubbles into the inner ear, the brain or the spinal chord) shows symptoms of dizziness, paralysis, tinnitus and nausea.
Type III can cause long-term damage such as osteonecrosis and hearing impairments.
Decompression sickness can even cause a lung rupture.

Immediate competent first aid and an immediate transfer to a pressure chamber is essential for survival.

We conduct a diving suitability test in accordance with the guidelines of the GT?(society for diving and hyperbaric medical science). This way we can guard against diving-medicine- specific diseases. Well informed and with the results of this test you have the best prerequisite for successful dives without health complications.
Enjoy your dive!